Price: $3,895,000

Address: 3725 San Miguelito Road

Size: 739 +/- acres with residence and barn

LocationThe Property is located on San Miguelito Road, approximately 3.5 miles south of the city of Lompoc, and approximately 5.5 miles and 12 minutes by vehicle. It is situated in Santa Barbara County, approximately 7.5 miles east from the Pacific Ocean, and is conveniently near to several points of interest, including: the Lompoc flower fields, Vandenberg Air Force Base, the Lompoc Public Airport and Old Town Lompoc. Vandenberg Air Force Base borders the Property to the west. A proposed windfarm that has been approved by the County is to be located on several ranches to the south and to include 29 windmills, including some on the adjacent ranch.

DescriptionThe Property consists of approximately 739.57 acres of native cattle pasture, according to assessor’s information, and is comprised of two parcels. The western parcel, APN 083-080-001 is approximately 500 acres and the eastern parcel, APN 083-080-003 is approximately 239.57 acres. Varying from nearly level to gently rolling hills, to steep terrain with rock outcroppings, the native pasture includes grasslands, chaparral, and oak savannahs. Livestock have always been the mainstay at the Hollister Ranch. Cattle were the lifeblood of the early economy in early rancho days, and horses were utilized to work the cattle. The Property fronts on San Miguelito Road but provides privacy to the headquarters area from the main road. The property is long, narrow, and irregular in shape and varies in elevation from a high point of approximately 1,800 feet along the western property line, reducing to about 700 feet along San Miguelito Road.

Present Use: Currently and historically , the Property has been used as a rural residence and cattle-grazing ranch.

Water Source: Water is provided by a municipal (city of Lompoc) owned and operated spring located adjacent to the Property that provides both domestic and stock water at no cost. A year round stream runs along the eastern boundary of the Property fed by the overflow of this municipal spring. Additionally, there are four more improved springs to the west of the Property that provide additional livestock water.

Structural Improvements: Improvements include a 3 bedroom, 2 bath single-family residence of about 2,060 square feet plus a separate garage, which is currently rented to a tenant. There is also a 2,000 square foot barn built in 1999 that is used for hay and equipment storage. Two working livestock corrals provide the ability to care for the livestock, one located adjacent to the barn, and a second located on the western parcel of the ranch.

Sight Improvements: Site improvements include dirt driveways/interior roads, drainage culverts, minimal landscaping and barbed-wire fencing and cross fencing. The several miles of dirt and gravel roads provide ample access for biking, hiking, horseback, or other recreational pursuits.

Soils: Soils and topography vary considerably. See soil map in photos for more details.

Zoning/Land Use: The Property is located in an unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County: Zoned Agriculture (AG II-100)

Ag Preserve: This Property is subject to the Williamson Act (Ag Preserve).

UtilitiesMajor public utility companies to the property include telephone and electricity, which are extended to the homestead site on San Miguelito Road. While there is no public water or sewer in the area, it is common to find private septic systems being utilized. No natural gas is available; however, liquid propane gas is available via private commercial vendors.

Assessor’s Parcel Number: APN’s 083-080-001 and -003

Property Taxes: 2020-2021 Taxes are $4,385.80 annually.